I wrote about how religion is what I had all during the time when I thought I was resisting religion. The world calls us to religion, while God calls us to be free.
What I mean by “religion” is a heavy yoke. The world requires us to embrace false and irrational ideas, and live as if they are true. The weight of all the falsehood, day by day, grinds us down and makes us lifeless and grim.
Jesus was a radical for truth. His teachings were “light” in each sense of the word. The way of Jesus lightens our load by lifting away the weight of lies, and illuminates our view by shining shafts of light through the worldview we are conditioned to accept.
The world looks different when we can get free of religion. Below are some of the teachings of the religion of the world. See if you recognize any of them. In addition, here is what freedom from religion allows us to see instead:
The religion of the world
God is irrelevant. God might exist, but he is aloof from normal life. Things happen at random.
Freedom from religion
God is in control. A wind of purpose blows through everything that occurs. We can tack to that wind and we can sail on it.
We are alone. Don’t look for God.
We are accompanied. God speaks all through the context of what moves in our life and how we are affected. There is much to learn if we will make ourselves students.
We are practically powerless. You have no power except what you can lift with your hands, communicated with your voice, buy with your money, etc.
You are not just a material being but also a spiritual being. You affect the world with the power of what you believe.
Your value is determined materially, according to your wealth, income, status, or fame.
The true value of any person is revealed in surprising ways, according to the life-giving effect that person has on another person, who goes on to affect another person in turn. This value has almost nothing to do with wealth, income, status, or fame.
The world we see and touch with our hands is all there is.
This sense we all have that there is something bigger and more meaningful going on is actually true. There is a real spiritual realm that is bigger than the world, and we begin to perceive this realm once we stop rigorously disbelieving in it.
Your mind is where your self is located. To be called “intelligent” is particularly flattering, because it means your self-house is constructed particularly well.
A person has a heart—a spiritual center that lies deeper than the mind. This can be proven from experience. When your mind is logically persuaded of something, often your heart keeps you from acting according to your own logic. But surrender your heart to being changed, and your mind will flood open with new awareness that it never had before.
You are going to die. If there is life after death, you will find out then. Life on earth and life after death are two entirely different things.
Eternity is congruent with the material world. It is as “here” as here is. Death is not the requirement for eternity. Begin to experience eternity by accepting the eternal into your heart. Your material life will end or fade away, but you will not die.
Pursue happiness.
What I mean by “religion” is a heavy yoke. The world requires us to embrace false and irrational ideas, and live as if they are true. The weight of all the falsehood, day by day, grinds us down and makes us lifeless and grim.
Jesus was a radical for truth. His teachings were “light” in each sense of the word. The way of Jesus lightens our load by lifting away the weight of lies, and illuminates our view by shining shafts of light through the worldview we are conditioned to accept.
The world looks different when we can get free of religion. Below are some of the teachings of the religion of the world. See if you recognize any of them. In addition, here is what freedom from religion allows us to see instead:
The religion of the world
God is irrelevant. God might exist, but he is aloof from normal life. Things happen at random.
Freedom from religion
God is in control. A wind of purpose blows through everything that occurs. We can tack to that wind and we can sail on it.
We are alone. Don’t look for God.
We are accompanied. God speaks all through the context of what moves in our life and how we are affected. There is much to learn if we will make ourselves students.
We are practically powerless. You have no power except what you can lift with your hands, communicated with your voice, buy with your money, etc.
You are not just a material being but also a spiritual being. You affect the world with the power of what you believe.
Your value is determined materially, according to your wealth, income, status, or fame.
The true value of any person is revealed in surprising ways, according to the life-giving effect that person has on another person, who goes on to affect another person in turn. This value has almost nothing to do with wealth, income, status, or fame.
The world we see and touch with our hands is all there is.
This sense we all have that there is something bigger and more meaningful going on is actually true. There is a real spiritual realm that is bigger than the world, and we begin to perceive this realm once we stop rigorously disbelieving in it.
Your mind is where your self is located. To be called “intelligent” is particularly flattering, because it means your self-house is constructed particularly well.
A person has a heart—a spiritual center that lies deeper than the mind. This can be proven from experience. When your mind is logically persuaded of something, often your heart keeps you from acting according to your own logic. But surrender your heart to being changed, and your mind will flood open with new awareness that it never had before.
You are going to die. If there is life after death, you will find out then. Life on earth and life after death are two entirely different things.
Eternity is congruent with the material world. It is as “here” as here is. Death is not the requirement for eternity. Begin to experience eternity by accepting the eternal into your heart. Your material life will end or fade away, but you will not die.
Pursue happiness.
Photo courtesy freestockphotos.com